Tag Archives: yoros kalesi

visitors from Yoros Castle

Yoros Castle, Yoros Kalesi

Yoros Castle, Yoros Kalesi

Yoros Castle, Anadolu Kavağı (Yoros Kalesi)

Bosphorus and Anadolu Kavağı


Yoros Kalesi, Yoros Castle, Bosphorus-Boğaziçi, İstanbul, Pentax K10d

Yoros Kalesi, Yoros Castle, Bosphorus-Boğaziçi, İstanbul, Pentax K10d

Yoros Castle

Yoros Castle (Yoros Kalesi)

Yoros Castle (Turkish: Yoros kalesi) is a ruined castle at the confluence of the Bosporus and the Black Sea, to the north of Joshua’s Hill, in Istanbul, Turkey. It is also commonly referred to as the Genoese castle, due to Genoa’s possession of it in the mid-15th century.

Yoros Castle sits on a hill surrounded by steep bluffs overlooking the Bosporus. It is just north of a small fishing village called Anadolu Kavağı, on Macar Bay, and the entire area is referred to as Anadolu Kavağı. This section is one of the narrowest stretches of the Bosporus, and on the opposite shore sits an area called Rumeli Kavağı, which formerly held a fortification similar to Yoros Castle. (Anadolu and Rumeli were Ottoman terms for the Anatolian and European parts of the empire). Continue reading

Yoros Kalesi, The Way of Passion

Pentax K10D, at Istanbul

You only need smell the wine

You only need smell the wine
For vision to flame from each void–
Such flames from wine’s aroma!
Imagine if you were the wine.

Mevlana Jelaluddin Rumi

from The Way of Passion: A Celebration of Rumi, by Andrew Harvey

Blacksea side of Bosphorus

Anadolu Kavağı, İstanbul, Boğaziçi, Bosphorus, Pentax K10d

Anadolu Kavağı, İstanbul, Boğaziçi, Bosphorus, Pentax K10d

yoros kalesi

Yoros castle, Yoros kalesi, İstanbul, Bosphorus, Pentax K10d

Yoros castle, Yoros kalesi, İstanbul, Bosphorus, Pentax K10d

Bosphorus view from Yoros Castle

Yoros castle, Anadolu Kavağı, İstanbul, pentax k10d

Yoros castle, Anadolu Kavağı, İstanbul, pentax k10d

visitors in Yoros Castle

Yoros castle, Anadolu kavağı, İStanbul, Pentax K10d

Yoros castle, Anadolu kavağı, İStanbul, Pentax K10d

Bosphorus from Anadolu Kavağı

Bosphorus  scene from Anadolu Kavağı, İstanbul, Pentax K10d

Bosphorus scene from Anadolu Kavağı, İstanbul, Pentax K10d