Tag Archives: ashura

Ashura Day In Halkali

Thousands of Shiite Muslims gathered in İstanbul’s Halkalı district on Saturday to mark the day of Ashura and mourn the martyrdom of 72 people, including Husain, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, at the Battle of Karbala 1,369 years ago.

Ashura Day , photo by Pinar Cici

Ashura Day , photo by Pinar Cici

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Ashura days

Ashura, Aşure,  istanbul, pentax k10d

Ashura, Aşure, istanbul, pentax k10d

Ashura is a  traditional dessert.  We serve to the neighboors, parents and friends.  It comes from Noah Prophet.  There are several sayings of  ashura :  Aşure (generally),  Anuş abur (armenians) and Koliva or Golifa (greeks)


ashura, pentax k10d

ashura, pentax k10d

ashura days

ashura, aşure, pentax k10d

ashura, aşure, pentax k10d


ashura , pentax k10d

ashura , pentax k10d

ashura , aşure

ashura, pentax k10d

ashura, pentax k10d