Tag Archives: William Carlos Williams

Happy New Years

new year, Bagdat Avenue, Kadikoy Istanbul, Pentax K10d

new year, Bagdat Avenue, Kadikoy Istanbul, Pentax K10d

There is hunting in heaven —
Sleep safe till tomorrow.”

William Carlos Williams

Ayasofya müzesi, Sultanahmet meydanı, İstanbul

Ayasofya müzesi, Sultanahmet meydanı, İstanbul, Pentax K10d

Ayasofya müzesi, Sultanahmet meydanı, İstanbul, Pentax K10d

all things turn bitter in the end
whether you choose the right or
the left way
dreams are not a bad thing.”

William Carlos Williams

shopping tour

atik Valide Külliyesi, Topbaşı, Üsküdar, İstanbul, Pentax K10d

atik Valide Külliyesi, Topbaşı, Üsküdar, İstanbul, Pentax K10d

“Times change and forms and their meanings alter. Thus new poems are necessary. Their forms must be discovered in the living language of their day, or old forms, embodying exploded concepts, will tyrannize over the imagination.”

William Carlos Williams

back side of garden, Çinili Camii, Üsküdar

çinili Camii, Üsküdar, İstanbul, Pentax K10d

çinili Camii, Üsküdar, İstanbul, Pentax K10d

“A profusion of pink roses being ragged in the rain speaks to me of all gentleness and its enduring.”

William Carlos Williams

üskübü, old door

Konuralp village (üskübü), düzce city, pentax k10d

Konuralp village (üskübü), düzce city, pentax k10d

“I wanted to write a poem
that you would understand.
For what good is it to me
if you can’t understand it?”

William Carlos Williams

forest scene, Düzce

Düzce city, pentax k10d

Düzce city, pentax k10d

“Forget all rules, forget all restrictions, as to taste, as to what ought to be said, write for the pleasure of it — whether slowly or fast — every form of resistance to a complete release should be abandoned.”

William Carlos Williams

Bosphorus Bridge on a rainy day

Bosphorus, İstanbul, Pentax K10d

Bosphorus, İstanbul, Pentax K10d


“It is summer, it is the solstice
the crowd is
cheering, the crowd is laughing
in detail
permanently, seriously
without thought.”

William Carlos Williams

the tulip bed

purple tulips, istanbul tulip festival, istanbul, pentax k10d

purple tulips, istanbul tulip festival, istanbul, pentax k10d

I like this shot.  It is very simple, green flu background and tulip.

The Tulip Bed

The May sun–whom
all things imitate–
that glues small leaves to
the wooden trees
shone from the sky
through bluegauze clouds
upon the ground.
Under the leafy trees
where the suburban streets
lay crossed,
with houses on each corner,
tangled shadows had begun
to join
the roadway and the lawns.
With excellent precision
the tulip bed
inside the iron fence
upreared its gaudy
yellow, white and red,
rimmed round with grass,

William Carlos Williams

taken by Pentax K10D, at Istanbul

Riva scene from Riva Castle

Riva village mosque and Riva castle (Pentax K10D)

Riva village mosque and Riva castle (Pentax K10D)

“I have discovered that most of
the beauties of travel are due to
the strange hours we keep to see them. . . .”

William Carlos Williams

fishers in Karakoy


“It is not what you say that matters but the manner in which you say it; there lies the secret of the ages.”

William Carlos Williams